Thursday, 19 May 2016


Hello all. Thank you for inviting me to give you a presentation. My name is Yucho. I was a nurse. I used to work in the hospital for almost 25 years before I came to Canada. So, in my talk today I want to focus on euthanasia.
I am sure all of you have heard about the new law that grovernment will be pass by next month. Canada will become the forth country that gives the legislation for euthanasia in the world. I hope that my talk today will demystify some of the issues related to euthanasia.
I will begin by telling you briefly what I am going to cover. First, I will talk what euthanasia is. Then I will discuss some disputes about euthanasia. And finally, I will talk about the significance of the legislation of euthanasia. If you have any questions or want me to elaborate on something that interests you, just feel free to ask me at any time.
So, let's begin. What is euthanasia? euthanasia is assisted suicide, also termed as mercy killing. It means to take a deliberate action with the express intention of ending a life to relieve intractable suffering.
In the majority of countries euthanasia is against the law, and it carries a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison in the UK. but since 2009, voluntary euthanasia has been legal in other countries such as belgium, Netherlands, and Switzerland. Canada will soon be the forth country in the world. Here I have a question: If we put down animals when they are suffering or dying, why don't we treat human beings with the same level of compassion? There are three things every person should have rights to take control over. their lives, freedom and happyness. If you lose your freedom and happyness, living in pain,degenerative and irreversible conditions, your live completely becomes a torture. What should you do? You need someone that willing to help terminate life at your request.
From another point of view, suicide is a part of human rights. Euthanasia is actually giving the patient who is suffering through disases relief is they are willing to. It also can create less burden for the family and medical community due to the large amount of money hospitalizing will take. That will also give more medical resources for the ones who truely need it and wants to live. Euthanasia is actually a sign of progress in human rights, that everyone should take control over their lives. Lives doesn't need to be too long as long as you're living in a life you are wanted, and most people wouldn't want to live in pain.
Overall, eventhough some people don't agree on euthanasia, they think it's creul to kill somebody eventhough they are totally willing too. I think it's a good think because that should be everyone's right.

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