Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hi Anna,
Long time no see. I just received your email and known that you would come here next month. What a wonderful news it is!
As you said, Canada is good place to live and the people here are very nice. In my opinion, if you learn more about Canadian culture before you depart, you could adapt here faster and easier. There are some unwritten rules you should remember:

  • Be punctual if you have an appointment.
  • Keep the eyes contact when you talk with somebody.
  • Never address people with the title.
  • Don't interrupt the other's speech.
  • Don't touch the other's body arbitrary.  

Good afternoon everyone,

Today, we have talked about the “Unwritten rules of Canadian manners.” Now, you are required to write a letter to a friend back home, who he/she is planning to move to Canada soon, and give him/her some advice on how to adapt to the Canadian culture, also tell your friend some tips on the most important Canadian unwritten rules, from your perspective, to avoid embarrassment.

Ask one or two of your peers to edit for you. 

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