Thursday, 3 December 2015

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday's Assignment

Good morning! Having seen the historical and popular Christmas, how about the commercial one?
Here are your tasks:

  1. Role play: Boxing Day Sales
    1. Do it aloud.
    2. Practise with a partner aloud.
    3. Record a chirbit.
  2. Group writing of 3 sentences each: 1. Graph 1 2. Graph 2.
    1. Make sure to discuss in a group of 3 or 4.
    2. One person will write down a list of 6 points.
    3. One will talk about Graph 1 while the others help.
    4. Another will talk about Graph 2 while the others help.
    5. If there's a fourth team member, that person will check the writing by sitting next to the writer.
  3. Copy out the headline and subheads of this article.


According the Graph 1 we can find something.
Firstly, the sales on line increased continually year by year.
Secondly, the peak hour in the cyber Monday usually appeared around 9 am to 2 pm.
Lastly, more and more people prefer to buy on line after 7 pm.
According the Graph 2, there are 3 points.
Firstly, the sales were similar before 8:30 am between Monday and Friday.
Secondly, the sales on line decreased after 8;30 am on Black Friday.
Lastly, compare with the sales on line on Friday, people prefer to go out for shopping.

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