Monday, 14 December 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

1. We use a/ an when we are talking about something for the first time.
   *He is wearing a suit and a tie.
   *They have a cat.
   *I saw a good movie last night.
   *She took a glass of water and started to drink.
   *I need to see a doctor.

2. We use the when we are talking about a specific person or thing, or if there is only one, or if it is         clear which one we are talking about.
   *She took the glass of water beside her.
   *Can you turn on the TV.
   *I have to see the doctor tomorrow.
   *How many people have walked on the moon?
   *The best film I've ever seen is Top Gun.
   *The carrots growing in my garden are almost ready y good for you.
   *English people drink a lot of tea.

3. We use no article when we are talking about people or things in general.
   *Carrots are good for you.
   *English people drink a lot of tea.

4. We use a/an to say what kind of person or thing someone or something is (often with an adjective),     or to say it belongs to a particular group.
5. With school, university, prison, hospital, church, bed, work and home we use the when we are             talking about a particular one, and no article when we are talking about the idea of school,                 university...
6. W use the with singular countable nouns to talk about a type of thing.
7. We use the + adjective to talk about a group of people(including nationalities)
8. We use a/an to talk about someone's job or nationality or religion.
9. We use no article with continents, countries, regions, cities, streets, mountains, lakes and parks.
    We use the if the country contains kingdom, republic, state, union.
10. We use the with plural names of people and places.
11. We use the with oceans, seas, rivers and canals.
12. We use the with north, south, east and west to talk about the location of a place inside another             place, but no article to compare the location of two places. We  use no article with northern,             southern, eastern and western.
13. We normally use the with buildings, except if the first word is the name of a place.
14. We use no article with names of sports or academic subjects.

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