Monday, 4 January 2016

Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday's Assignment

Welcome back! This week we are looking at one of the most important community and
government services. 
Can you guess which one it is?
Here are your tasks:
  1. Locate "Toronto Public Library" using Google All, Google News, and Wikipedia. Post one interesting item from each search on your FaceBook; don't forget to include links to sources.
  2. Check out the Good Morning, Canada! Page of this blog, spending no more than 3 minutes on each item. Then identify:
    1. the most surprising resource, 
    2. the most difficult one, 
    3. most useful one, and
    4. the least useful.
  3. Visit each other's blogs and add comments and suggestions on your classmates' blogs.

1. Using Google All, I'm interested in this item-- Downloads & eBooks. 

  Using Google News, I'm interested in this item--

2015 Hero: The Toronto Public Library

2. the most surprising resource--Various News Services

 the most difficult one--Chat

 the most useful one--Business Soft Skills Series

 the least useful one--Building a Better Vocabulary
               Tense Buster Grammar Lessons

Good afternoon! Now that you have discussed your past, future, and language goals, here is your writing task: Who I am and what I want to be in Canada
  1. Your educational/work background
  2. Your future life in Canada
  3. How you’d like to work on your 4 skills (LSRW)--what are some of the most important tasks you’d like to be able to do in the next 6 months
I was a nurse before I came to Canada. My highest level of education is bachelor's degree. 
There're twenty years left before I reach the retire age, so I think it's better to improve my English level continually. 
For me, listening is the weakest item. Writing is the second one. I hope I can do more practice about listening and writing in the next 6 months.

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