Wednesday 27 January 2016

PHRASAL VERBS--Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Task 1:

Click on that link and answer all the phrasal verbs (1 to 8) and prepositions exercises (1 to 10). You can check your answers once you are done and by that you will learn them better. Don’t stop until you get ALL the answers correct. You are free to answer more stuff as you wish.


be committed to doing sth.
be exempt from taxes
be on hand for the meeting=to present at the meeting
be on the same page=Do we all agree
be on your team=be in your team
be satisfied with sth.
be up for sale=be for sale
to account for about
to bring this to his attention=  to let him know about this
to call in response to
to deal with the problem at hand=the problem that we are facing

to deliver on their promises
to invest in this company
to inform of
to keep at that speed
to last (for) two months=to last two months
to make about=to make around
to make concession to them

to map out processes
to move along= to progress well 
to specialize in doing sth.
to start by doing sth / to start on the project
to step aside=to resign
to sent out on schedule
to work with sb. / to work for sb. / to work on the project /
to work at / to work out of
ahead of schedule

above the target of 4% /( by) 20%/( by) cash /by tomorrow / 
at the conference / at a higher level

a minimum of / a result of rising gas
below cost /
during the stage / at stage
fall under 
for this position
from the beginning / from now on/ from an emotional standpoint
in charge of / in the way /in time= in the future  

in downtown Chicago / in the centre of the city / in the company
on staff /on financial planning / on the market / on time 
over /during /in the last two years / 
out of all the workers
under this treaty
how do we go about doing this?=what step should be taken in order to do this
something along the lines of what we saw =something similar to what we saw


bail out=save 
be carried out=be done, conducted/ work out/ point out/ find out
bring in=make, earn,
bring in on sth=take part in sth
bring him on=hire him
bring up=raise
broke down=failed
buy out=buy shares from
call off=cancel 
call for=request
cap off with=complete 
contract out=get someone else to do
come around=accept,agree with
come up=raise, arise, rise
come into effect=take into effect, become effective
communicate with
crack down on=to take measures against, suppress, put down
cut back on=reduce, cut to the bone
cut down on hiring=be hiring less people
cut out=eliminated,cut off, quit
decide against doing=decide not to do
drew up=developed
do away with=eliminate
factor in=include in
factor in=consider, include in the equation
fall behind=start to perform worse than
figure out 
fill out=complete
force down=lower
get around=bypass
go on 
go through=examine
head up=assume the lead in
hold off on doing=not do
keep tabs on expenditures=observe expenditures carefully
keep up with=be as successful as with
keep up with=effectively compete against 
leading up to=before
lead off by doing =start by
let on=pretend
look into=investigate
mark up=increase
measure up to=as good as
miss out on=fail to capitalize on
not rule out=consider
play out=unfold in court
point out=mention
pop up=materialize
put together=create
ramp up=increase
roll out=be launched
run out of=no more
run out=expire, end
start doing 
sat up=arrange
set aside=reserve
set in on the meeting=attend the meeting
set out to acquire=start to pursue the acquisition of
shoot up=increase
sit through drawn out=too long
sign off=formally approve
sign up for=to join, become part of
sound out=question
speed up=make faster
sort out=fix, clear up
turn down=reject
turn out=product 
take off=successful
take over as=replace  
team up=work together
track down=find
what you're getting at=what you mean 
wipe out=eliminate
work sth out=arrange sth
wrap up=finish /turn out
write them off=finished
Task 2:
Write a short story on anything you want to share with the class; you have to use at least 10 phrasal verbs and 10 preposition that you have just learnt on your story.

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