Monday 22 February 2016

Friday, 12 February, 2016

Task one:

Our first task is to write a short paragraph describing your previous workplace culture/system/rituals (if you had any), using at least five from each of the vocabulary list and the buzzwords we have learnt today.

24/7, bottom line, figure out, fit in, learn the ropes, new hire, on the dot, you bet, round-the-clock service, slacking off, protocol, intimidating, transition, ritual, cubicle, procedure, uncertain, formal, culture, informal, critical, trend, clarify, acronym, norm

I worked at a hospital before I came to Canada. I had worked there more than 20 years. Everyone knows that the hospital is open 24/7 and we offer round-the-clock service. In China, we don't have the family doctor and we really have the biggest population, so every employee should figure out whether or not to fit in the job in the hospital. Everyone should learn the ropes and bottom line when they were as new hires. You couldn't come here on the dot because you want to be as slacking off. It's really important to familiar the ritual, the norm and the procedure as soon as possible. If you uncertain about something, you don't need to clarify in formal. All you need is just to watch. Everything may be intimidating at first. But you would be felt better after you familiar the culture.

Task two:

Write a short trip report about yesterday’s field trip. Describe what you liked, what you didn't like, what you learned, and if you would like to repeat it again or not and why.

Yesterday was a beautiful day. We had a skiing lesson at Earl Bales Ski and Snowboard Centre. It's located on 4169 Bathurst st. This is my first skiing so I was exited. After we changed our ski shoes and put on the ski helmets, we went to a small hillside. The coach taught us how to put on the skis and how to take them off. He asked us to practice it repeatedly. Then he taught us how to slow and stop by  changing our feet. We didn't have the ski stick so it was hard to climb up the hill. You couldn't fix your skis and you were going around in circles. Our teacher Joseph is  a good skier. I hope that I could ski like him someday.  

Task three:

Please register on the IEP conference that is coming up on Feb. 26thClick here and send me the confirmation after the registration.

My reference # is 17557.

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