Wednesday 30 September 2015

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday's Assignment

Have you seen the pictures going around the Internet over the past couple of months? Here are just two of them. What other pictures have you seen?


Here are your tasks:
  1. Watch these videos and discuss Canada’s global role for democracy
  2. Take notes: What do Canada’s political parties say?
  3. What's your view? Tell a classmate.

Monday 28 September 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Field Trips: Durdy Bayram, Farintosh, and Canada Job Expo

Job Fair at North York Centre

September 29 Canada Job Expo at North York Civic Centre – (Members Lounge) 5100 Yonge Street, Toronto, M2N 5V7
  1. Register for free.
  2. Arrive by 10 a.m.
    1. Attend a workshop.
    2. Talk to as many employers as possible.
    3. Don't miss the group photo!

Guess how I got the following three resources:

A team working on project

Group 1.
A: Hey! Thomas. Where have you been? Did you finish your work?
B: Sorry! What work? Oh, I totally forgot it. I had a crazy party last night.
A: Oh my God! You know that today's the deadline,right? What should we do now?
B: Take easy, bro! We still have a few hours. We can finish the work this afternoon.
A: Are you crazy? We have a chemistry lab from 1 pm to 4 pm. We don't have enough time to do it.
B: Please bro! Don't worry! I'll talk to the prefessor and let him give us one more day. I promise that I'll finish the work tonight.

 Group 2.
A: Why did you not complete the project?
B: I'd already finished it but my kid deleted it before I saved it.
A: Again! you said it last time.
B: It's true. My son did it last time. This time was my daughter.
A: But I know you just have one child.
B: Oh, I forgot to tell you that my wife was pregnant and we have a daughter now.

A: Hey! Thomas. Where have you been? Did you finish your work?
B: I'd already finished it but my kid deleted it before I saved it.
A: Again! you said it last time.
B: Take easy, bro! We still have a few hours. We can finish the work this afternoon.
A: You always have the excuse for not doing your work! Wait, I know you just have one child.
B: Oh, I forgot to tell you that my wife was pregnant and we have a daughter now.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday's Assignment

  1. Complete this morning's work.
  2. Have a look at the USED-TO mini lesson, and discuss how to find such resources.
  3. Take a picture, and publish your A-B worksheets and final conversation on your blog.

Greg: What are you doing with that map and that globe

Julianna: I’m trying to keep track of Carmen as she travels from country to country. I just got another postcard from her today. 

Greg: I’m not sure I like the idea of my daughter traveling around the world with a group of people for three months. It’s not safe. 

Julianna: She can take care of herself. You know she’s the adventurous type. Give her a compass and she can find her way around anywhere. Help me find Nauru on this map. I don’t even know what continentit’s on. I was never any good at geography

Greg: All right. You look above the equator and I’ll look below it, but couldn’t you just look it up on the Internet? It would be easy to find the latitude and longitude of this place. 

Julianna: This is more fun. I sort of feel like I’m on an adventure myself. 

Greg: I can’t make heads or tails of this map. It’s not to scale and this legend is all wrong! 

Julianna: It doesn’t matter. We just need to find the place name, and then I can put a pin in this map showing where’s she’s been. 

Greg: I have a better idea. I’ll look it up on the Internet and get you all of the vital statistics you’d want, like its location, okay? 

Julianna: Forget it. Sometimes it’s more fun doing things the hard way. 

Sunday 27 September 2015

What big event is happening in Canada on October 19? Explore this page and discuss.
It is a day of voting to elect the leader of Canada.
Find the pictures of the major parties and their leaders. Use Google Images.
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, speaking to supporters while campaigning Tuesday in Pitt Meadows, B.C., isn't likely to rush back to campaign in his home riding of Calgary Heritage just because he has a new challenger from abroad.
Choose one leader, and think of why you like or dislike that person, (e.g. "My favourite politician is So-and-So. He is so handsome/strong/tall. I agree with ..."). Use 5 - 6 sentences, and practise saying them to a partner. Record your sentences

Then add headlines to relevant news about them from Google News.

major parties and their leaders:
1).Conservative party           the leader is Stephen Harber
2).New Democratic party     the leader is Thomas Mulcair
3).Liberal party                    the leader is Justin Trudeau

Getting a Interview

I've finally landed my first interview. Well, actually, that's not really true. I have been on many interviews for part-time jobs. This was my first interview for a full-time job.

In less than two months, I will graduate from Arizona University. After a lot of back and forth trying to decide on a major, I finally decided to double major. I would study both political science and marketing

These are not majors that usually go together. In fact, most people thought I was crazy. But, after a lot of soul searching, I decided to combine my two main interests: 1. politics and 2. getting a job! Those are my two priorities. I thought that if I get degrees in these two fields, I could cast a wide net when going job hunting. And, that's what I'm trying to do now.

Since I don't know if I want to work in the public or private sector, I've applied for jobs in both. In the public sector, I could work for the government. Maybe one day, I could even be a speech writer for the President! Okay, maybe I should shoot a little lower. In the private sector, I could work for private organizations such as museums, schools, or programs. Some of those are non- profit

Or, I could work for a company. Everybody tells me that that's where the money is. I haven't decided yet. I'm planning to apply for a lot of jobs and will see what happens. What I want now is just to get some job offers. Then, I can start being picky.

Luisa: Are you still here? I thought you got off at 3:00. 

Max: I picked up a second shift. I could use the money. 

Luisa: But I thought you had another part-time job in the evenings. 

Max: I normally do, but the restaurant where I work has been cutting back my hours, so I�m trying to pick up as many extra shifts here as I can. 

Luisa: And don�t you work at the amusement park on the weekend? 

Max: I do half the year, but it�s winter and the park only keeps a skeleton crew on during these months. In the meantime, I�m working for a temp agency, which gives me short-term assignments. 

Luisa: I don�t know how you juggle all these jobs. 

Max: I have no choice. I have to piece together an income if I want to pay rent. 

Luisa: Have you ever thought about going back to school to qualify for other work, something full-time

Max: Sure, all the time. I�d like a better job, one with benefits and a reliable salary

Luisa: What�s stopping you? 

Max: I have to pay for something called �food,� and I haven�t met my fairy godmother yet! 

Coming to LINC class

If you feel you have benefited from any of these, please answer the following questions, and write your comments below:
What were your needs/reasons for coming to LINC class?
There are three reasons:
I could communicate with local people and achieve mutual understanding.
I could read books and magazines in original.
I could find a job in the hospital.

What things made your needs complicated or special?
I've been here almost four years. I used to work as a kitchen helper in the restaurant. The staffs worked there were all Chinese and we always spoke mandarin with each other. I had to work 10 hours everyday, so it's hard to persevere in learning.

What were the results or outcomes of coming to LINC class?
I am so glad of coming to LINK class because I have learned a lot and met lots nice gays. I feel myself more confident and satisfaction.

Share a favourite memory from LINC class.
Today is a  Chinese traditional festival--Mid Autumn Festival. Early this week, with my classmates and my teacher Joseph, we went to Dragon Pearl Buffet to celebrate this Moon Festival. There were lots of delicious food in the restaurant, they all tasted good. Everyone ate happily and so full.

Friday 25 September 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday's Assignment

Have you ever been offered a job? How did you feel? Were you excited? Tell your partner your story.
Here are your tasks:
  1. Find an e-book, an e-audiobook, and an e-video to download.
  2. Role play this dialogue with a partner and make a chirbit.
  3. Leave your feedback on your experience in the LINC program in the comment section here.
BONUS ACTIVITY: Learn quietly and then role play loudly this dialogue.
Salima: Hello. 

Jake: Hi, this is Jake Nagano at Fixit Corp. How are you today? 

Salima: Oh, hi, Jake. I�m fine. How are you? 

Jake: Good. The reason I�m calling is that we�d like to offer you the position you interviewed for last week. 

Salima: Oh, that�s great. I was really impressed with Fixit. 

Jake: I�m glad to hear it. We�re prepared to offer you a starting salary of $55,000. You will get fullmedical and dental coverage, and vision coverage is optional. 

Salima: I see. And vacation time? 

Jake: Vacation dayspersonal leave, and sick leave accrue one day per month in your first year, and then increase with your tenure with the company. 

Salima: What would be my job title

Jake: You�d be a junior specialist and you�d be working under Monique Stansfield, the department manager. 

Salima: Is the salary negotiable at all? 

Jake: Well, we would consider any counteroffers, but this is a typical compensation package for new hires in these positions. 

Salima: I see. 

Jake: Why don�t you think about it? I�ll need to hear back from you by Wednesday. Will that work? 

Salima: Sure, no problem. Just one more thing: I heard that the company has a box at the stadium... 

Jake: Let me stop you right there. I hope that�s not a deal-breaker because it�s taken me...I takes years for employees to get invited. 

Salima: No, not a deal- breaker at all. I�m just a fan. 

Jake: In that case, it would be a pleasure to welcome you aboard.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday's Assignment
What's the difference between a full-time and part-time job? Are the differences the same in Canada as in your country of origin? Discuss with a partner.
Post a Job

  1. Vocabulary and listening: A fulltime job
  2. Role play this dialogue with a partner and make a chirbit.
  3. Using your Editing Checklist, look at some of your writing on your blog. Are there certain mistakes that happen more often than others? Circle these on your checklist.

The Earth is our home. However, environmental pollution is becoming one of the most serious problems that mankind faces. Now it's high time preserving our environment work was taken. GoodWork is a job website that people look here for green woke.The jobs relate to environment, conservation, nature, sustainability. You can find all kind of work opportunities: paid employment, contracts, board positions, volunteer positions, green businesses for sale, partnerships.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday's Assignment

Some people say it's whom you know and not what you know that gets you the job. Do you agree?

Here are your tasks:

  1. Role play this dialogue with a partner and make a chirbit.
  2. Think of your next career, and browse this site. Then discuss your findings with a partner.
  3. How do you feel about what's going on in some government jobs?
Jimmy: My cousin Sal said that he put in an application for a job here. 

Suzanne: Yeah, that’s right. 

Jimmy: Well? 

Suzanne: Well, what? 

Jimmy: Are you going to hire him? 

Suzanne: I’m not sure. He doesn’t have any experience and he didn’t provide any references

Jimmy: I can vouch for him. Sal is solid. He’s a really nice guy. 

Suzanne: I appreciate you putting in a good word for him, but I need more assurance than that he’s a nice guy. He needs to have the temperamentwork ethic, and skills for this job. 

Jimmy: What he doesn’t know he’ll learn on the job. He’s a quick study

Suzanne: How can I justify hiring someone with no experience, while passing up applicants who are better qualified

Jimmy: He has my ringing endorsement. What else do you need? He’ll work as hard as I do. 

Suzanne: That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday's Assignment

  1. This morning we'll be having a talk on Energy Conservation in the classroom next door--Level 5/6 Workplace English, before heading out to our Moon Festival Celebration Lunch.
  2. Make sure to refresh your vocabulary from yesterday, and don't forget to sign up for the job fair next week.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Do these exercises on Job Futures Websites: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1. provides learn is help look find affect include search
2. A F C E D B H G
3. A C B A A C B
4. good  16.51  national  18.07  2%  7% 
5.1 How many duties are listed for dental assistant?

  • Prepare patients for dental examination and assist the dentist during the examination
  • Sterilize and maintain instruments and equipment
  • Prepare dental instruments and filling materials
  • Educate patients concerning oral hygiene
  • Schedule patient appointments and record dental procedures performed
  • Invoice patients for dental services
  • Order dental and office supplies
  • Take and develop X-rays
  • Polish teeth and clinical crowns and apply fluoride and sealant
  • Take preliminary impressions for diagnostic casts
  • Fabricate temporary crowns and restorations.

2. What are some related job titles?

3.  What is the NOC code for dental assistant?

4. Where in Canada are the highest concentrations of dental assistants?
Ontario 1464 (RSS JOB FEED)

5. Is this a licensed occupation?
Not applicable. licensing is not mandatory.

6.What are the educational requirements?

Some college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training.

7.What skills are useful in this occupation?
Reading text; document use; Numeracy; Writing; Communication; Working with others; Compute use.

8.Which educational program is most relevant to this occupation?
Dental Hygienists and Dental Therapists; 

Dental Technologists, Technicians and Laboratory Bench Workers.

9. Why are the work prospects rated good for this occupation 

For the 2014-2016 period, the employment outlook is expected to be fair for Dental Assistants (NOC 3411) in Ontario.

10. what is the average hourly wage for a dental assistant who is 30 years old

11. How does it compare to the average hourly wage for all occupations?
the National Average Weekly Earning $954.6, hourly wages $23.9. it's lower by $4.65.

12. what is the percentage of part-time workers in this occupation
Part time 543; 
 Full time 2366;  unknown  2236. 

13. How does this compare to all occupations
Don't known.

14. What is the percentage of workers in this occupation who are self-employed
Don't known.

15. Have you read any other information about dental assistants that you found interesting or that surprised you

6. you may use this text box to take notes.
Main duties:

Prepare patients for dental examinations;
Prepare filling materials;
Sterilize and maintain instruments;
Develop X-rays;
Record information on patient care

Educational requirements:

Some college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training;
Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training.

Work prospects
hourly wages:
min. $19 max. $22 for 32 hours per week
unemployment rates:7%
Interesting facts.I'm interested in 
the education level  
college or apprenticeship training-1204; 
secondary school or occupation-specific training--2754;
on-the-job training-65

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday's Assignment

Welcome back! Guess what our theme for the week is:

If you thought of job-search resources, you're right!

Here are your tasks:
  1. Do these exercises on Job Futures Websites: 123456
  2. Learn the following vocabulary, and then take the crossword quiz at the bottom:

1.  Appliance: A piece of equipment, commonly powered by electricity, used to perform a particular energy driven function. Examples of common appliance are refrigerators, dishwashers, toasters, radios, televisions, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, microwave ovens

2.  Battery: An energy storage device made up of one or more electrolyte cells.

3.  Biofuels: Liquid fuels and blending components produced from biomass (plant) feedstock, used primarily for transportation.

4.  Biomass: Any organic (plant or animal) material which is available on a renewable basis, including agricultural crops and agricultural wastes, wood and wood wastes, animal wastes, landfill wastes and aquatic plants.

5.  Conservation: The act of protecting nature  water, plants and animals. The act of saving and reducing.

6.  Energy conservation: Reducing energy consumption through using less of an energy service. Driving less is an example of energy conservation.

7.  Energy: The ability to do work or the ability to move an object. Energy is any source of usable power.

8.  Efficient energy use: Refers to using less energy for a constant service. Driving the same amount with a higher mileage vehicle is an example of energy efficiency.

9.  Fossil fuels: Fuels (coal, oil, natural gas, etc) that result from the compression of ancient plant and animal life formed over millions of years.

10.  Fuel: Any material that can be burned to make energy.

11.  Geothermal energy: Thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. It comes in either vapor-dominated or liquid-dominated forms.

12.  Global energy consumption: Refers to the total energy used by all people and industry around the world.

13.  Incineration: A method where industry can break down its bulk waste in a furnace by controlled burning at high temperatures.

14.  Light energy: Radiant electromagnetic energy that an observer can see.

15.  Non-renewable energy sources: These natural resources often exist in a fixed amount, and are consumed much faster than nature can recreate them. Fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum and natural gas are examples of non-renewable energy sources.

16.  Renewable energy sources: Naturally occurring, supposedly limitless sources of energy that cannot be depleted. Examples include sun, wind, water, biomass, geothermal.

17.  Solar cell: An electric cell which changes radiant energy from the sun into electrical energy by the photovoltaic process.

18.  Solar energy: The radiant energy of the sun, which can be converted into other forms of energy, such as heat, light or electricity.

19.  Thermostat: A device that adjusts the amount of heating and cooling produced and or distributed by automatically responding to the temperature in the environment.

20.  Transformer: A device which converts the generators' low-voltage electricity to higher voltage levels for transmission to the load center, such as a city or factory.

21.  Watt (w): The watt is a derived unit of power in the International System of units (SI), named after the Scottish engineer James Watt. Its unit symbol is W. The unit measures the rate of energy consumption.

22.  Wind energy: A renewable source of energy used to turn turbines to generate electricity.

When you have finished, do the following crossword quiz: